this Sunday being Mother’s Day, we thought it was only appropriate to chime in and thank all of the moms out there who work hard everyday to provide for and protect their little ones. As a token of our appreciation, we have put together a list of gift ideas that you can get for your Mom to thank her as well.
1. Sublingual spray
This convenient, THC-infused ingestible liquid was created by Leslie Siu, CMO and co-founder of cannabis company Mother and Clone. Once you spritz the liquid under your tongue, within 60 seconds the THC will activate. It’s hard to overdo and the high doesn’t last very long making it an easy and safe product for mothers to use. The fact that it’s a spray product, allows you to control the dosage you want as well.
2. Cannabidiol tinctures
Another product becoming popular among parents, these drops can be mixed into foods like smoothies, or taken under the tongue. A great way to control pain relief and stress, many mothers enjoy this product because of its reputation for combating nausea, depression, and even breastfeeding pains.
3. Jane’s Brew Coffee K-Cups
A perfect way to start the day! Only slightly medicating and discreet, melt your mom’s stress of Mondays with a fresh cup of gourmet cannabis coffee from Jane’s Brew.
4. Subtle Tea
If your mom is one that enjoys a relaxing cup of tea before bed, introduce her to the dreamy concoction that is THC Dreamtime PM from Subtle Tea. Chamomile, valerian, peppermint, and cannabis harmoniously come together for a real nighttime treat.
5. Coconut Oil
For those moms who are always in the kitchen baking away, the Coconut Oil from Not So Virgin is the perfect Mother’s Day gift. One of the most versatile cannabis-infused products, this oil will allow your Mom to really make her own special treats. Bonus, she can use it as lotion too!
Treat your mom to what she really wants this year for Mother’s Day. Shop around for the gift ideas mentioned above, or pop into any of our Crazy Bill locations and we will be happy to help you find the perfect gift. Happy Mother’s Day!