Halloween Costumes for Stoners!
Most stoners are procrastinators by nature. So, when it comes time to dress up for Halloween it’s tough to put something together that is quick, easy and shows your love for marijuana! Here is your guide to great weed related costume ideas for individuals, friends or couples.
We will give you; Creative ideas, the items you need to pull them off and some picture examples
Weed Nug (Lost Weed):
- Green Body suit
- Fake moss and green leafs from Dollarama
- Hot glue sticks and gun or super glue
Bag of weed: If you want to take the weed nug costume to the next level
- Cling wrap
- Tape
- Bristol board (blue and yellow for the zip seal)
- Bendable wire to make square edges for the “baggie”
- Bristol board (the colour you want your bong to be)
- Cardboard for the structure (Straight tube bong is easier than the beaker base)
- Hot Glue sticks and Gun
- Packing Tape
- Scissors
- A funnel to create the bowl
- Light and dark green tissue paper and fake moss from Dollarama to crumple up and stick in the bowl.
Zig Zag guy:
- Fake beard and pointed mustache if you can’t grow one
- Red beanie hat
- A joint
- A pack of zig zag papers in a breast pocket of your shirt
- Shirt should be a white long sleeve with red trim if possible
Crazy Bill:
- White mustache and goatee
- Sun glasses
- Dark fedora hat
- Crazy Bills shirt
- Open red Hawaiian shirt
- Jeans and dark loafers
- Blue towel with white strips along either edge X2
- Sew, tie or glue the tops of both towels together and keep a hole in the middle for your head
- With white, black and red fabric paint draw big stoned eyes, eyebrows and a triangle shaped mouth w/ teeth on the front OR you can use white and black fabric and sew or glue it on
- Wear a white long sleeve shirt underneath
- White gloves
- Yellow shoes
- Bristol board (Brown)
- Cardboard for the structure
- Hot Glue sticks and Gun
- Packing Tape
- Scissors to cut arm holes
- Light and dark green tissue paper and fake moss from Dollarama to crumple up and stuff it around the top of the blunt around your neck
Mary Jane or Weed Fairy:
- Pot leaf print leggings
- Green shirt or tank top
- Green too too
- Green wings
- Green shoes
- Pot leaf necklace, headband and wand
- A shinny little bag full of pre rolled joints
Bob Marley:
- Dreadlocks
- Rasta hat
- Rasta shirt or vest
- Guitar
- Jeans
- Blunt or joint in hand
Dr. Green Thumb:
- Lab coat
- Stethoscope or head lamp
- Bow tie
- Afro
- Nerd glasses with tape around bridge
- Goatee
- Paint your thumb green
- Green shirt
- Big fake upper teeth
Pot Head(s): This is probably the easiest and quickest costume that you could put together!
- A cooking pot that fits over your head with pot leafs on taped to it
- Or a planter pot with pot leafs on taped to it
- Tie-dye t-shirt
- Pyjama pants
- Slippers
- Munchies in hand
Hippie(s): This can be an individual costume or you can dress up with friends
- Bell bottom jeans
- Floral print or tie-dye shirt or 70’s print button up shirt
- Peace sign necklace
- Rose coloured glasses
- Afro or messy half braided hair
- tie-dye or floral headband
- Hoop earrings or peace sign earrings
- Birkenstock sandals or moccasins
Cheech and Chong:
- Red toque
- Mustache
- Yellow tank top
- Red suspenders
- khaki pants
- Red converse shoes
- Big fat joint
- Long sleeve jean shirt
- Jeans
- Black converse shoes
- Mustache and Beard
- Sun glasses
- Red bandana
- Big fat joint
Scooby and Shaggy:
- Green V-neck shirt
- Brown bellbottom jeans
- Goatee
- Shaggy/messy brown hair
- Black slip on shoes
- Bag of “doobie” snacks
- Dog ears
- Paint a black dog nose on yours
- Teal choker with ‘SD’ pendant
- Brown/beige shirt and pants
- Brown or black shoes
- Brown tail
- OR just buy a Scooby Doo costume
Dale and Saul from Pineapple express:
Dale (Seth Rogan):
- Brown suit
- Mini afro
- White polo undershirt
- Grey tie
- Slim black watch
- Running shoes
Saul (James Franco):
- Long hair
- Grey headband
- Long sleeve white shirt
- Grey t-shirt
- Redish patterned pj pants
- Tan coloured slip on shoes
- Silver watch
Joint and Lighter for girls:
- White strapless dress
- Pot leafs all over chest sticking out of the top of the dress
- White pantyhose
- Navy blue strapless dress (or any colour BIC you like)
- Silver duct tape, taped around one side at the top of the dress to mimic top of BIC lighter
- Red duct tape, taped to other side for ignition button
- Tape a little yellow sign with BIC in black writting under red tape
Sativa and Indica best buds: (for a short and tall friend or couple combo)
Both costumes need:
- Green Body suit
- Fake moss and green leafs from Dollarama
- Hot glue sticks and gun or super glue
- Taller person
- Be hyper and uplifting
- Longer thinner leafs on your body suit
- A hat or sign that says Sativa
- Act tired and lazy
- Shorter person
- Wider leafs on your body suit
- A hat or sign that says Indica
- Carry munchies
I hope this helped you come up with an awesome, fun and creative costume idea for Halloween 2017!